Username(ingame username): Caganair
Why you want to be mod(at least a paragraph): I want to be a mod as i know what heavy responsibilities i have to take up. i have experience as i was a administrator on godzhell (but i quited as my bank was resetted). I understand how it would feel when i have to consider banning or muting someone as it would carry a great impact on the server. I promise i would not abuse my rights and i would follow the rules carefully and help the player of royalscape. Although i just joined i know the server very well already and i would do my best to make the server a better place. Owners please consider my application and i hope u would accept it. And i am mostly online when most of you guys are sleeping as my time zone is +08.00 GMT so hopefully i can help the people who are playing during my time.
Please ignore my spank rank
did not know i could not post too much mesages uncessacarily