Alright you guys
Copy/past form
Username(ingame username):
Why you want to be mod(atleast a paragraph):
heres mine:
Username(ingame username): Ii skillz Ii
Why you want to be mod(atleast a paragraph):
Well, I want to be a mod because,I know what it takes to be one.I am very responsible and will mute anyone who is a real nuisance to this game.I dont random jail mute and that stuff, its childish.I really like this server, I've been a member since its first 5 or 3 days.I have also made a few videos about this site on youtube. I might make more videos. I know watching the server while the owners are gone is a big job.So please, Chris,Tim,Alex, and any other admin who thinks I should be a moderator, please make me a moderator thanks.
Kane(Ii skillz Ii)